Technical Books

Over the last few years I’ve written a number of books, the most recent of which is XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming: Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 with my co-worker Dean Johnson. This was released late December 2010 shortly after the release of Windows Phone 7. Want to see the cover? I’m glad you asked!!

XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming
As you could probably have guessed this book covers the most recent of XNA Game Studio with the focus on both Windows Phone 7 (the most recent platform addition) and Xbox 360. It covers the entire API surface area from input to audio to avatars and complex 3D graphics. It assumes a basic understanding of programming and concentrates deeply on the meat of what XNA Game Studio can do. Given Dean and myself both worked on the product, you’d be hard pressed to find two better people to give you the in-depth knowledge this book provides. You can download the source code for everything in this book here.

Before this book I had written a few others, the most popular of which was my Kickstart book on Managed DirectX 9 (released way back in 2003). I liked the cover of this one even more!

The first book I ever wrote!

I don’t really know what the motorcycle engine represents or why it’s on the cover, but I always liked the visual. Much like my newest book, this was the go to source of information on the topic. I still find people today who learned a lot from this book. As a matter of fact, my co-author on the most recent book Dean had a copy of this book he used when he was still in school long before he met me! It’s those kinds of things that I get a kick out of in life.

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