Welcome to the new site!

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve written a real blog post, and this is the first one on my new site, so what do I want to talk about!? I suppose we should start with why I migrated to a new site to begin with!

There are two major reasons in reality. First, I needed a web host for some experiments I wanted to run, so I figured I may as well just catch up with the times and buy one. I’m only a decade or so late, but better late than never right? Second, I needed to have more freedom in what I wanted to say. Having my blog hosted on MSDN was great and all, but despite the disclaimer up top, the reality is that anything I say there is essentially the same as saying it as Microsoft. While it’s certainly true some folks go wild on their MSDN blogs, I never felt very comfortable in doing so.  Now, I’ll be able to say whatever it is that I’m thinking!

Of course, this also means that my MSDN blog is essentially retired as of now, but given the frequency (or lack thereof) of posts there, it probably isn’t a big deal anyway!

So, what do I want to talk about on this new site? Well, a lot of stuff I used to talk about on the old site, game programming, XNA, Xbox, and Windows Phone! For example, while my latest XNA book is already out (look to the right), should I consider writing a new one? Perhaps I should release a few games on XBLIG or the WP7 marketplace? I’m not entirely sure what I want to do yet, but now i’ll have the chance to do them without having to worry about speaking as anyone but myself, which will be nice.

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the new site!”

  1. Thanks for filling us in! Looking forward to seeing what ends up here. And you’re made of tougher stuff than I if you’re already thinking about writing a new book. Another book is the last thing I want to think about.. *shudders*

  2. Definitely haven’t started writing another book yet, but it’s certainly within the realm of possibility! I’m more likely to do some games first.. What with all this copius spare time I have…..

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